Crime Patrol is the program which is the popular show of Sony Channel, which has projected so many crimes, happened in India. In this case, there are so many crimes which have happened in the world and in such cases, such programs helped to advocate for the justice to the victims and also make the legal procedures aware about the need for being strong enough to punish the culprits. Thus the program has shown how the crimes can be diminished in the rate as such criminal acts are dramatically presented in the program with the various roles played by the artists.
Crime Patrol in the present program has focused on the story of a widow who has been humiliated by a man of the village. The story has taken place in Soytha Village. Nirmala was residing in Soytha Village near Patna (Bihar). In the beginning of the program, it is shown that Nirmala was teased by Bhajan Singh while she was walking in the road. Nirmala’s husband has passed away 15 years ago. She has faced severe trouble in the Village as Bhajan Singh residing in the same Village tries to misbehave with her. Bhajan Singh was a vandal who used to misbehave Nirmala. Nirmala was afraid of Bhajan Singh and was afraid as well. One night, Nirmala went to plead for the help from neighbor. In that situation, Niramala was too much afraid and could not even talk.
Neighbor of Nirmala has then called to the police and has informed that a thief has trespass the house. The police arrived in the house and said that the thief is in the house. Later when the police arrived in the house to inspect, the police found the death body of Bhajan Singh. A fire broke out in Nirmala’s House and Bhajan Singh is urgently admitted to the Hospital as his body was 95% burnt. According to Nirmala, she has not seen Bhajan Singh but she was so afraid that she ran from the home. Bhajan Singh was totally burnt down and there was no chance of surviving. The police then again inspected the home of Nirmala and found a piece of sari in the room. The wife of Bhajan Singh has accused Nirmala that she has killed him using acid. Police did not understand the reason that Bhajan Singh has gone to Nirmala’s home since Nirmala was too poor person.