Deepak Raj Giri doing photo shoot with gorgeous actress Priyanka Karki. This photo shoot was done for Saptahik Newspaper where all these comedian actors are shirtless and giving pose with actress Priyanka .Nepal’s top comedian actors Dhurmush, Magne Budo, Mundre and Deepak Raj Giri doing photo shoot with gorgeous actress Priyanka Karki. Nepal’s top comedian actors Dhurmush, Magne Budo, Mundre and Deepak Raj Giri doing photo shoot with gorgeous actress Priyanka Karki.
This photo shoot was done for Saptahik Newspaper where all these comedian actors are shirtless and giving pose with actress Priyanka Karki.Here is list of dhurmush magne budo mundre and deepak raj giris photo shoot with priyanka karki.
This photo shoot was done for Saptahik Newspaper where all these comedian actors are shirtless and giving pose with actress Priyanka Karki.Here is list of dhurmush magne budo mundre and deepak raj giris photo shoot with priyanka karki.