Nepal adopted its new fully secular and democratic constitution, after seven years of deliberations on Sunday.
However, this occasion was marred by protests, violence and even death as the Madhesi groups clashed against the constitution over the issue of federating the country. Violence surrounding the federal structure that will divide the country into seven provinces has triggered violence in the Himalayan nation, claiming at least 40 lives including one reported on Sunday.
Protests in Nepal. AP
Protests in Nepal. AP
Expressing concern over the ongoing violence, neighboring country India intervened urging top Nepalese leadership to address concerns of all sides and sending Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's special envoy.
Jaishankar issued this statement following his visit, “India has been strongly supportive of constitution making in Nepal. We would like its completion to be an occasion for joy and satisfaction, not agitation and violence. We hope that Nepal's political leaders will display the necessary flexibility and maturity at this crucial time to ensure a durable and resilient Constitution that has broad-based acceptance."
As Rajeev Sharma pointed out in a Firstpost article, India has reasons to be perturbed about the volatile situation in Nepal. The main crux of the problem from the Indian viewpoint is that the Madhesis have reacted violently to their country’s new constitution. Madhesis, along with the Tharus, form the bulk of population of Terai. The Terai region constitutes one-fifth of Nepal’s landmass, but accounts for over half of the nation's population, is what the article said.
However, India's role in this matter has not been taken very kindly by Nepali citizens, with many of them expressing their sentiments on social media with #BackoffIndia. On Tuesday, #BackoffIndia was trending in Nepal and soon this trend worldwide with several people joining in the online protest globally.
From criticising the interference in Nepal to talking about the crime and other problems in India, the users on Twitter were harsh and critical about the government. It should be noted that several Indians also joined in pointing out the administrations' flaws with the trending hashtag. Here is what some of them had to say
This isn't the first time that Twitter in Nepal has seen a trend protesting against India. Earlier this year, when the devastating earthquake hit Nepal and Indian aid and media rushed in the Himalayan country, there was widespread animosity about the media interference. There was a time when  #GoHomeIndianMedia was trending on Twitter, first in Nepal and then worldwide.

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