Prime Minister and Former Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi cut short a television interview after he was repeatedly asked questions about the post-Godhra riots in 2002. Modi terminated the interview to CNN-IBN’s Devil’s Advocate program midway when questioner Karan Thapar asked if he had any regrets about the Gujarat riots and also about his image as an anti-Muslim. Modi first asked for water, then removed the microphone from his shirt and told Thapar that he cannot continue the interview. "The friendship should continue. You came here. I am happy and thankful to you. These are your ideas, you go on expressing these. I can’t do this interview. Three-four questions I have already enjoyed. No more please," he said, abruptly ending the interview. He seemed very nervous and he could not talk nicely. We could clearly see him uttering while talking. He was not even talk nicely and at last he quite the interview when he didn’t know how to answer in English.